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Роб Холлидей

Имя: Роб Холлидей (Rob Holliday)
Роль в группе: концертный бас-гитарист
Период участия: 2007 — 2008


Холлидей присоединился к Marilyn Manson в качестве концертного бас-гитариста в 2007 году. В 2008, по возвращении бас-гитариста Твигги Рамиреза, заменил покинувшего группу Тима Скольда на гитаре.

Музыкант был отмечен работами в коллективах Low Art Thrill, The Mission, Curve, Gary Numan, The Prodigy, Flint и в своем сольном проекте под названием Sulpher.


В ходе Rape of the World тура Роб играл на басу фирмы Fender и гитаре Gibson модели Les Paul.

Cho Hunhyun 1967

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The reviews of my games in the insei league have yielded a very consistent criticism that my play is slack and that I play many slow moves. One of the suggestions was to study the games of Cho Hunhyun to get a feel for a quicker more active style of play.

I do happen to have one book of Cho Hunhyun games, so I thought I’d check it out some of those first. I was quite surprised that the first game presented was one of his early professional games versus a young Takemiya Masaki, who is one of my favorite pros. This game was interesting because not only did it show Takemiya taking white in a very non moyo game, Cho Hunhyun lost this game. The book, of course, explains some of the mistakes he made, and he even mentions places where he would clearly play differently with his current style of play.

Outside of that, I’m not entirely sure how beneficial this particular game is to study, but I did enjoy playing through it enough to enter the game record in and post it. Enjoy!Articles Connexes: